Tag: mom life

One of the Best Things my Mother Said to Me

I was standing in the kitchen with my mother. Our house was milling with the sounds of a family with four children.  The background...

Do Something in the Midst of Motherhood

Do Something in the Midst of Motherhood Do something. When you are in the middle of life with littles, just doing SOMETHING can seem like...

Top 5 Organization Musts

Top 5 Organization Musts Being a mom you are always on the run. Always needing a extra 10 minutes to finish a task! These are...

Millennials and Debt: My $340,000 Story

Millennials and Debt: My $340,000 Story This is not one of those stories about someone who is $10K in debt, and (wonder of wonders) it...

Permission To Be Angry, Sir

Permission To Be Angry, Sir A recently released book by Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad - The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger - describes the...

A Dozen Things That Changed In My 30’s

A Dozen Things that changed in my 30s... The morning of my 30th birthday something really important happened in my life. My give-a-dang busted. I...

Gratitude. Explaining, Being and Staying Proactive With Children

Gratitude. Explaining, Being and Staying Proactive With Children If you haven't figured it out yet as a mom that your child hears EVERYTHING!!!! A  couple days...

Your Best Yes

Your Best Yes There are days we, as women, really have it together. We get up on time, work out, get ready, make our kids...

Asking For A Friend…… 20 Questions That Need Answers

Asking For A Friend...... 20 Questions That Need Answers Mommin' ain't easy y'all. There are so many "rules and regulations" now and the constant feedback...

My Hair Keeps Me From Working Out

My Hair Keeps Me From Working Out I have never really l-o-v-e-d working out. Any “working out” kind of comes from an obligatory, logical place...