Book It- What The WMB Team is Reading Right Now




First things first: Elizabeth Oates has recently released her book Mending Broken Branches. If you aren’t reading it right now, add it to your list! 


Why we love it: Aside from the fact that we want to support our own, this book gives hope to dysfunctional families and offers a path to healing through faith.







Our fearless leader Carrie Maddux gave us several to check out that she has read in the past few years. 


Capital Gaines by none other than Waco celeb Chip Gaines is the tale of his serial endevours as an entrpreneur and the lessons learned through those experiences. 

Why we love it: Who doesn’t love the quirky Chip and there’s no denying the impact the Gaines family has had on Waco. His story is an uplifting and inspiring tale of success in spite of failure. You may not find business secrets inside but you can count on Chipper for interesting anecdotes and an inside look at the path to  the Magnolia we know today!



Of course we can trust #bossmom Carrie to offer up the best in leadership and team building by none other than Simon Sinek- author of best seller favorites like Start With Why.

Why we love it: The concept is inpired by a conversation with a Marine General, which is basically the military equivalent of a mom. “Officers eat last,” sacrificing their own needs for the good of the group as a whole and instilling a “Circle of Safety” that offers both security from outside forces and builds trust within.




A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living gives us the other side to that mom life coin. As CEOs of our families we feel the tug of all the things demanding our time and energy.  

Why we love it: Ley allows us to introspectively look at the demands of life and how we deal while providing the strategies needed to organize and simplfy your life in 10 key areas. 





Amy Kyle gives us another self-help guide to in Shauna Niequist’s collection of essays for those of us who are busy and beat at the end of the day. 


Why we love it: All you need is someone to tell you its ok to not be perfect and this is it. Follow the author’s journey that led to this epiphany and find your own path to giving yourself grace. 






Amy and Carrie both have this best seller on their lists and based on their reviews we are all likely to follow suit. 


Why we love it: Author Brene Brown has one of the top 5 most viewed Ted Talks with The Power of Vulnerability. As a professor at the University of Houston and CEO of Brave Leaders Inc, she knows a thing or a thousand about courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. Almost every reviewer says the work put them in tears, yet left them empowered to find both real belonging and confidence in standing alone. 




Jolyn Friesen is enjoying this helpful tool on the hottest topic regarding self discovery and spiritual life. Discover the enneagram for your personality and then dig in to this interesting read.


Why we love it: Jolyn says the book is the missing link for her enneagram to her spiritual life. Its great for transformation and spiritual growth. 







It seems counter-intuitive to think that as the corner stone of a family, a mother can feel isolated. However, if you’re in the motherhood sisterhood you know this truth all too well. Destiny Cookus recommends Hope Unfolding which reminds us that we are not alone in God’s presence. 

Why we love it: Amazon description- “Sometimes, we just need hope (and maybe a long uninterrupted nap).”

Add to cart! 






If you haven’t noticed a pattern yet, moms love self help books by moms for moms. The saying “it takes a village” has endured because it’s true. We lean on our family, friends and the experts to give us nuggets of wisdom like knowledge passed down from sage chieftesses. Alex Price’s village is her FIT4MOM family and founder Lisa Druxman’s book The Empowered Mama is her motherhood handbook. 


Why we love it: Get beyond the words and do the work. Druxman not only gives us the tools to master time management, self care, and a healthy lifestyle but she perfectly frames them in short digestible bits with a workbook style format. 



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Hey y’all I’m Alex Price mommy to Marleigh and wife to Mario. I’m a work at home mama as owner of FIT4MOM Waco and certified trainer in pre and postnatal fitness. My husband and I are both Baylor grads who stayed in Waco then moved around the country only to return to plant roots and start our family and business. My passions are health and wellness, learning and behavior, helping others, eating, sleeping, and loving on my baby girl. I’m thrilled to be back in a Waco at such an exciting time and happy to be part of the WMB team!